
The Zurich English Student is a newspaper written for the students by the students. We hope that it will be entertaining both for those who contribute, and for those who read it. For some of you it might be a useful place to start if you want to write for a living, and it will make a splash on CVs: but most of all, it’s FUN, a chance to write something non-academic and improve your skills at the same time. For those students newly arriving at UZH, it will hopefully give you an idea what life here is like, and encourage you to write something too.

Get in touch on zest.editor@gmail.com

Got something you want to share? Want to comment on things that are going on in Zurich, Switzerland or the world? This is the place – anything that catches your interest, that fascinates you, or that you think people ought to know about, get writing and send us your news.

Have you read a good book recently? Seen a cool film (or an awful one)? Eaten somewhere new, heard a great band playing, seen a thought-provoking play, or just bought an album that you want to rave about? Maybe you just want to talk about your favourite movie, or a text that you won’t forget any time soon. You might have a recommendation for a lecture course, or for a great place to visit. Or maybe you want to tell your fellow students what not to read, and what cultural pitfalls to avoid!

Some of you might write poetry, or short stories, or even novels. Or maybe you’ve never tried it, but always wondered what it would be like. Fiction is a great way to indulge imagination and practice writing skills. What better place to showcase your creative writing than in a student paper, where we can all enjoy it?

Many of us are lucky enough to have the opportunity to spend some time studying abroad. We want to hear about your experiences in places far and away — the differences (or similarities) to Zurich, what you love about the place, or what you can’t wait to get back to when you return.

Whatever it is, whatever you’re into — we want to hear about it! Meanwhile, if you have ideas for columns, or a section you’d like to see in the paper, let us know: this is your paper after all.


Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors, and are in no way connected with the University of Zurich or the English Department.

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